Latest News and Events

News and Events - In this section you will find links for tickets for project related events as well as related news articles.

DRYSLWYN COMMUNITY SHOP AGM – Notes on SiopNEWydd Project - 26.11.2023

We know everyone will be keen to hear about the progress with our new shop ambition and because it has seemed quiet some might think that little is being done to reach our goal of building a new and exciting shop/PO/café with on site parking. 


Whilst outwardly quiet, in reality a great deal is going on, so this is a short update on where we stand in our endeavours at present.






I hope you find this update of interest and of hopefully of some reassurance.  Much work has been undertaken already and still needs to be done before we can get machines on the ground and lay the first slab! We believe we have a great story to tell and a future to project that should resonate with the grant funders! Time of course will tell!!


We will continue to update you as things go along, but in the meantime may I take this opportunity, on behalf of the project team,  to wish you and those near and dear to you the compliments of the season.